
2015 - Suttorf exhibition


a tiny village of only 5 estates in its historic centre, more than 1000 years old, situated in North West Germany,
has a great and well-known Summer Art Event every 2 years in fine rural settings:

"Suttorf - A Village goes Art 2015"

Some thousand visitors enjoy an outstanding atmosphere!

In July, 2015 more than 70 artists participated, mostly painters, sculptors, metal artists, a few photographers -
all of them digital.

I, too, received an invitation to present some of my work!
Being the only analogue Black & White photographer around, I showed 18 monochrome images, which found very good resonance among all other colourful exhibits!

My exhibition in the attic of an old farmhouse had a lovely ambience, as can be seen here in these images!

Foto: © Spröde Künste

In August and September, 2015, I was invited again to several more follow-up events with 9 images each